Hosanna House of Prayer
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Hosanna House of Prayer

Welcome to Hosanna House of Prayer!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! It is a joy to welcome you to Hosanna House of Prayer. Established in 2013, Hosanna is one of the few pentecostal Tamil Churches in Singapore. With soul-stirring worship and Spirit-inspired sermons, our church is home to many followers of Christ, both seasoned as well as new believers who have just come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Through the Grace of our Almighty God, we hope to always have our arms opened to the many hearts that need the touch of Jesus’ love and to integrate them into the body of Christ. Our sincere calling is to prepare every soul for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be a church that is spotless in God’s eyes through the unmatched guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Today, if you are looking for a church to call your own, do come down to Hosanna House of Prayer.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours Truly
Pas. Prabhu Daniel and Family

Hosanna House of Prayer

The Birth of Hosanna House of Prayer

Hosanna House of Prayer is brought into action purely by the Grace of God and in accordance with His will and in His perfect timing. As my family and I stepped out of our ministry from the local church we were involved in and having no clue of where we were heading, we waited on the Lord as a family. Our Lord placed a burden on our hearts to begin this Ministry. We boldly entered into this new season with just one thing in our minds, "His Grace is sufficient". In releasing God’s Power for Revival and finishing the task of world Evangelization, we minister to transform lives by effectively teaching the Word of God. We encourage and help one another to enter into a deeper and personal relationship with our Lord Jesus through Prayer. We hope to accomplish God’s Will through teaching, discipleship and partnering. As you join us and commit yourself, you will discover the many ways Harvest can occur through Prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus. Come and be blessed through a solid Biblically based Ministry that can provide you with encouragement and enlightenment through His Word. As we wait in anticipation and prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord, let us be reminded that THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL BUT LABOURERS ARE FEW.

Hosanna House of Prayer


To make disciples of all the nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and to teach every soul that its permanent abode is not on earth, but in Heaven.

Hosanna House of Prayer


To be a church that is deeply rooted in the Word of God and led by the Holy Spirit and to be a beacon of hope to the down-trodden in this darkened world.

Hosanna House of Prayer

Our Beliefs

Hosanna House of Prayer Church is a non-denominational, Bible believing, Tamil-English Church in Singapore.










Personal Testimony

Hosanna House of Prayer

Born in a pentecostal home in India where both of my parents came from lineages of pentecostal pastors, my upbringing was anything but luxurious. I grew up with a younger brother and sister. As the firstborn, I always felt the need to excel in my academics so that one day, I would be able to take care of my family and ensure a comfortable life for them. With that goal in mind, my former years were spent studying hard and securing a place in an engineering college in Vellore. Upon graduating from university, I got a job in Singapore through an agency and immediately packed my bags for better prospects in Singapore. However, it was only when I arrived that I realised that I was conned and was reduced to do menial tasks and was even left without a roof on my head. However, God was faithful and sent the right people in my life to shelter and care for me. It was after this that I got married to my wife, Sharon, and as a couple we began our family life together. God gave us two beautiful daughters and as a family we grew in happiness.

After many years of attending Trinity Christian Center as a family, where our souls were utterly nourished and we communed with fellow like-minded believers, I desired that my children should also taste the traditional Tamil church environment that I fondly grew up in and moved to a local Tamil church.

Just as everything was going smoothly, my world changed as I suffered a major cardiac arrest. It was during these life-altering moments that the Lord further impressed upon me that I should serve Him in the greatest capacity that I could.

It is the decision that I made then that still ignites me today to do whatever good works that The Lord has destined for me to do.

It is my sincere hope as a Pastor, that every soul that steps into the premises of Hosanna House of Prayer, truly comes to the saving knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and will abide in the Body of Christ, till the rapturous day of His second coming arrives.

About the Founder

Pastor Prabhu Daniel is the Founder and Head Pastor of Hosanna House of Prayer, Singapore. Despite being an accomplished engineer and manager, his burden for lost souls outweighed the satisfaction any worldly occupation could give him.

In the year 2013, amidst many trials and tribulations, Pastor Prabhu and his family, trusted the call that God had for their lives, and boldly stepped into a new era of ministering at HHOP.

11 years into ministering and Pastor Prabhu Daniel still manages to shuttle between his day job and conducting services, not only on the weekends but on every day of the week. One can surely testify that as a church, we are blessed to have a pastor that selflessly pours himself out to serve our Lord.

Hosanna House of Prayer

Church Worship Hours (IN SG TIME)

Hosanna House of Prayer

Sunday Service

  • 1st Service : 08:00 am
  • 2nd Service : 10:30 am
Hosanna House of Prayer

Women’s Prayer

  • Monday : 08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Praise and Worship

  • Tuesday : 08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Healing Prayer

  • Wednesday : 08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Men’s Prayer

  • Thursday : 08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Preparatory Prayer for Heaven

  • Friday : 08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

All Night Prayer

  • Every 3rd Friday : 10:00 pm - 01:00 am
Hosanna House of Prayer

Bible Study

  • Saturday : 07:45 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Monthly Promise Service

  • 1st of Every Month : 05:00 am - 06:00 am

Youth and Kids’ Ministries

Hosanna House of Prayer

Senior Sunday Class

  • Saturday : 05:30 pm - 07:00 pm
Hosanna House of Prayer

Junior Sunday Class

  • Sunday : 09.30 am - 10.30 am
Hosanna House of Prayer

Super Junior Sunday Class

  • Sunday : 08.30 am and 11.30 am

Baptism and Spiritual Rebirth

“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” Acts 2 : 41 NKJV

As per God’s ordinances, more than 100 souls have been baptised in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Prior to a baptism service, each soul who wishes to participate will be taught about the significance of “burying the old man” and becoming a “new creation” in Christ which is the ultimate covenant the believer can make to God.

Watch our Service

Hosanna House of Prayer

Promise Words